Winter Hair Problems And How To Fix Them

Winter in short means white flaky snow, a warm toasty fireplace, and a lot of cool hats, hoodies, and sweaters. But amidst all the fun elements, there is one big problem that makes winter too much of a hassle.

Hair… endless hair problems begin to crop up the moment you hear the announcement, ‘Winter is coming’.

We all know that the cold and dry winters of the United States aren't for the faint-hearted people.

While moisturizers and lotions keep the skin hydrated and safe, things are slightly more complicated with hair.

Winter hair care routine is extremely important unless you want to land up with dry brittle and thin hair by the time winter is gone.

Spending a few extra minutes every day on your hair care routine will keep winter hair trouble out of the way.

Dry and brittle hair

Combat winter dryness with proper hair care: Say goodbye to brittle hair.

Winter months are devoid of humidity which makes hair dry out faster.

In case you have curly hair, things are worse. It is important to balance the moisture content of the hair to prevent brittleness.


Take a break from using dryers and strengtheners for some time. Instead, moisturize the hair and scalp with hydrating masks, and shampoos.

Products containing argan oil and coconut oil are the best choice for rehydrating the hair cuticles naturally and quickly.

Static Hair

Static Hair

Frizzed out: Static hair causing chaos in your daily routine.

Dry and brittle hair gives rise to another very common but quite irritating issue.

Hair strands, in absence of moisture, pick up charge which causes them to stand u and produce crackling noise whenever any object comes in contact with the strands.


The one and only solution to this problem is to keep the hair constantly moisturized or hydrating.

In addition to regular hydrating products like a live-on mask, shampoo, and hair cream, one can even use a normal moisturizing cream.

The trick is simple. Every time you moisturize your hands and face, simply run your finger through your hair.

Even the slightest oily remnant on the hands is sufficient to keep static away.

Dandruff and Itchy Scalp

A dry itchy scalp ridden with Dandruff is the result of a lack of moisture on the scalp.

A prominent problem during dry winter months, dandruff and itchy scalp can also cause hair fall and deteriorating hair condition.


Rather than using shampoo frequently, it is best to condition the scalp well with any oil-rich product. Coconut oil works wonder on the scalp, especially during dry winter months.

Simply massage your scalp and hair well with coconut oil and almond oil blend. Leave for 15 to 2 mins and then simply rinse it off.

In case the problem with itching and dandruff is too much, consulting with a trichologist or dermatologist is the best choice.

Dandruff and itchy scalp during winters can also be caused due to hormonal or skin ailments which many fail to notice.

Dull Matted Hair

Dull Matted Hair

The not-so-glamorous side of winter: matted hair and how to combat it

Matted hair is the result of constantly wearing scarves, caps, hoodies, and hats during the winter months.

The funny, volumeless, and flat look is a common sight during the winter months.


Instead of leaving the hair open and easily prone to tangling and matted look, it is best to tie the hair in a simple bun or ponytail before putting on a cap, hoodie, or hat.

This prevents hair from tangling up and losing its natural bounce and volume.

Split ends with excessive breakage

Split ends are a result of dry brittle hair strands. The hair tips dry out and break very easily, unlike the hair root.


The easiest solution to split ends and hair breakage is to get a hair cut and remove those broken tips completely.

The other choice has a long-term effect but requires time and patience.

A hydration rich hair pack once a week combined with regular moisturization of the hair tips with hydrating hair cream can keep water split ends at bay.

It also improves the overall moisture balance of the hair.

Additional tips to keep hair frizz-Free and healthy during winter months

In addition to regular hair care routines to battle winter hair troubles, there are some very simple yet effective tricks one can try out during these winter months that can certainly be very helpful.

  • Wash your hair once a week instead of doing it daily during the winter months. This keeps the natural moisture intact.
  • Always dry your hair naturally before going out Cold winter air causes more damage than good and results in increased hair breakage.
  • Instead of traditional cotton or polyester pillow casing, choose satin or silk material. Rather than absorbing the natural moisture from the hair, these fabrics help in retaining it.
  • Do a weekly moisturization and hydration treatment for your hair using a simple DIY method and a few basic ingredients like coconut oil, almond oil, honey, and yogurt. All these are excellent hair hydration products.

These simple solutions and tips are very easy to incorporate into any kind of lifestyle. However, their advantages can go a long way in promoting healthy and lustrous hair, especially during dull and cold winter months.

If you absolutely must leave the house with wet hair, be sure to protect your hair from the weather by tucking it underneath your scarf or hat. The less exposure to winter weather elements, the better.

Worried About Your Winter Hair Care! Check Out: How To Take Care Of Curly Hair During Winter.

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